Some good reasons
Why you need to choose our Blue Cave tour
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Company Information:
Company name: MISERICORDIA, turistička agencija, društvo s ograničenom odgovornošću za turizam i usluge
Abbreviated company name: Misericordia d.o.o.
Registered company address: Vukovarska 123, 21000 Split, Croatia
Agency adress: Obala Hrvatskog narodnog preporoda, Riva
OIB: 14927048054
The court where the company is registered in the Court register: Trgovački sud u Splitu
The number under which it was entered in the Court register: Tt-17/2406-4 MBS: 060313349
Name and headquarters of financial institution in which the company has open accounts, together with accounts numbers: Zagrebačka banka d.d., Trg bana Josipa Jelačića 10, Zagreb
IBAN: HR14927048054
Board member: Mija Šuto
Share capital: 20.000,00 kn, paid in full
Contact: +385 (0)99 472 0697
ID code: HR-AB-21-0603113349
Opening hours:
Monday to Sunday: 07:00am to 22:00pm